Life Update: Co-hosting Tech Unstack Podcast

This is going to be a very short update on what I have been doing for the last two months as I have been quite invisible on these streets.

The last two months have been so much fun. I sit on my bed and have tech conversations weekly and I could never have imagined how that would change the trajectory of my career. I started a podcast with an amazing black woman who has since become a very good friend.

Let me give you a bit of background. On the 8th of April 2021 we launched a podcast where we tackle tech centered conversations from software development to design to gadgets and social media.

This was built with the intention to have a community of people who are interested in tech to flesh out conversations and learn from each other. Obviously we had the goal to start these conversations and hope they do not just end on the podcast but take it to every platform where we are visible and beyond.

It has been such a learning curve because this was definitely something new for me. When I started I did not know how the whole thing would work.

From how we would record remotely as we live quite far from each other and it would be unrealistic to meet every time we have to record, to how we would edit and package the sound and get it on sound content platforms.

I did not know the technicalities that come with producing and distributing a podcast episode and that is why it has been such a learning experience because everything was new for me.

It really helped having a person who is invested in learning and figuring things out so it made the whole process easier.

Additionally to being fun, it has been challenging juggling it with everything that has been going on in my life, the most time consuming being school lately.

So yeah that is the number one reason I have not really been visible on this blog but I am back and I will be sharing a lot of my career journey and maybe getting into web development topics so do watch this space.

Tech Unstack Podcast is available on most podcast platforms and you can check it out on this link or alternatively just checkout the latest episodes embedded right after this article.

Do follow the Twitter Page @TechUnstackPod for tech related content.

So my check in is done. Your turn. What have you been doing lately? Are you doing well?

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